October 7, 2014

Legendary Entertainment Offices
While the creative team at Legendary Entertainment was busy planning the next Hollywood blockbuster, Siena Construction was putting the finishing touches on Legendary’s new Boston office space. Siena recently completed construction on a facility that will serve as the leading media company’s East Coast hub.
Siena completed the fast-track project that called for customized specifications, integrating existing components with locally-sourced materials. LCD screens welcome visitors in the waiting area with scrolling movie posters of Legendary’s successful projects, which include the Batman and Superman movies, The Hangover series, and the Jackie Robinson baseball drama, 42. Electrical upgrades supported installation of these and other audio-visual components. IdeaPaint was applied to walls throughout the office, providing employees with writable surfaces for wherever and whenever inspiration strikes. Our construction team also used existing glass partitions for private offices and conference rooms while maintaining the space’s open concept.
On each job, Siena focuses on facilitating open, ongoing communication with the project and facilities team. Project Manager Anthony Di Carlo and Assistant Project Manager William Galloway were integral to this site’s success, managing the day-to-day production, overseeing quality control, scheduling and construction administration. Both agree this collaborative project was a rewarding, fulfilling experience. “It was a great opportunity to develop an open-feel, multifunctional space for both group collaboration and individual creativeness,” Will Galloway said. Anthony Di Carlo added, “Working with Legendary’s team provided an exciting glimpse into the entertainment business.”
Siena implemented project plans created by the architect, Analogue Studio, and included furniture from Creative Office Pavilion. Our construction team coordinated closely with Lincoln Properties’ facility management team, minimizing disruption of the occupied building’s existing tenants throughout construction.